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today I'm going to be talking about the three signs that you will become which okay so let's get right into the video oh yeah and before we start do you guys like the new look I know I do let me know down below what you guys think okay so the three signs that you will become which one day what are those sons alright well let me start with the first one okay and the first one is ownership taking ownership and what I mean by taking ownership is I mean taking ownership and your life taking on yourself of your life okay you can't live your life blaming everything on other people you have to take ownership for your own life you have to take control of your own life if there is one thing I've seen that is common amongst the most successful people out there it's that they all take ownership of their lives nothing is anyone elses fault everything is their fault because they understand that instead of looking externally they have to look internally you can't control what other people do you can't control what happens in the world but what you can control is what happens to you what happens in your life okay and I truly believe this this is so powerful and this can help you go so far in life if you understand this that you are not what has happened to you you are what you choose to become so choose to become something great and something that a lot of unsuccessful people have it's the mindset of a victim they feel like they don't have control over anything this is why they never take action this is why they never go out and try new things and really better themselves in life so you have to get rid of this mindset and you have to understand that you are in control of your life life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it how you were accurate so how are you going to respond to life today make the white decision alright stop focusing under 10% whatever happens in your life okay that's just a 10% the biggest thing you need to take away from that circumstance or from that situation whatever it is you're facing in life understand how you are going to respond to that situation and with spun from a captain from a winners perspective you were in control of your life and we are not what has happened to us we are what we choose to become so choose to become something great avoid avoid live in your life like a victim become a captain of life all right and that's going to give you more confidence and that's going to allow you to bet on yourself and if you have this mindset if you have the mindset that you can control your life you have control over your life that you're the captain of your own ship then you have a higher likely chance of becoming which one day of becoming successful so you want to have this mindset so that's number one taking ownership of your life and stop blaming others for your problems for every problem out there there is a solution you just have to figure out you just have to figure it out I like so solve your problems because there is a how for everything in life find out the how solve the problem alright so number one is taking ownership all right you are in control of your life don't give other people your control I like because if you give them your control then then there's a good chance things are not going to go your way you want to have control over your own life and you want to focus on what you can control so yeah number one take ownership alright number two it's going to be learning alright if you look at most summers if you look at the most successful people on this planet one thing they're definitely constantly doing is learning they never stop learning they're constantly learning new things alright they're constantly expanding their knowledge because knowledge is power guys knowledge is power the more you learn the more you aren't and so many people they just they they get out of college or they get out of high school and they work a job they work their nine to five job and they stop learning okay this is it I'm knowing my life I'm done learning with my life I'm just going to work my job now I'm going to do the same thing and they keep doing the same thing for 57 years and they never learn they never expand their horizon they don't see beyond that this is a big this is this is huge guys if you want to be successful if you want to be rich one day you have to constantly be expanding your knowledge because knowledge is power and the more you learn the more you aren't okay if you're interested in a certain skill maybe you want to learn a different language maybe you want to play piano you have to start doing that you have to start expanding your knowledge alright every day is a day to learn something new so take that opportunity go out there and learn new things alright learning about the business opportunity you're interested in learning about you know investing learning about things you're interested and you want to do so you have to constantly keep learning guys you have to constantly keep growing okay because the moment you think you know it all it's the moment you stop learning and growing as a person you want to keep growing you want to go to the next level I like personal growth is everything personal development is everything you've got to treat yourself like the prize and you have to listen to the white information so this is very important keep learning guys because if there's one thing that the most successful people out there adorn they're constantly learning and they're constantly expanding their knowledge and this is allowing them to see hidden business opportunities hidden opportunities in life so this is definitely something you want to do alright so number two is to keep learning every single day learn something new no matter what it is and number three the biggest one guys the biggest thing that if you have your you're almost guaranteed to be successful and that is taking action it sounds so simple and as I said before knowledge is power and that is true but knowledge is not power if you don't take action okay it's not knowledge that is Willi power it's the Affleck Aysen of knowledge that is power so if you learn about new things I like if you learn all this stuff but you never apply what you've learned is useless it's just in your head and it's gonna sit there forever but when you start to take action I'll write under things you know when you start to take accident life when you start the bet on yourself when you have confidence that you can do you can try this out it then that's when things in your life truly start to change because you're not just learning okay you're not just gathering information you're actually doing it and it's better to take action with a little you know than to take no action at all with a lot you know so take action in your life guys because that is going to propel you forward alright you look at the most successful people on this planet they wouldn't be here if they didn't start somewhere you may not have all the answers but you just got to start because if you never start you're going to wish you had yours later better to pursue something and to go after something and give it your everything take action with that thing and fail then to not try at all and to never see what's possible you have to take action guys like I said you have to take ownership of your life stop giving other people your control understand that you are the captain of your life you have a choice in everything you do you have a choice to do it you have a choice today on what you're going to focus on what are you going to focus on what's going to propel you forward treat yourself like the parts take control of your life take ownership I like keep learning I like invest in yourself personal growth is everything personal development is everything and the more you learn the more you aren't and once you start learning take action okay because it is not knowledge that this power is the application of knowledge is power guys so if you want to come out there and become a successful dude which I know you can be I know you are you just got to pull it out if you want to do that you've got to do these three things if you want to become which one day do these three things I like take ownership of your life stop making excuses okay whether it be about your job where to be about responsibilities take ownership everything is your fault if it's not your fault whose fault is it I rather would be my fault you're selling Elsa's I don't have control over them at least I have control over me see you see the power in that take control of your own life keep learning okay the more you learn the more you aren't and keep taking action because where there is no accident there is no progression in order to change your life you're the first change your mind then you have to change your action and that accident that you've changed will allow you to change your life but if you don't take accident you're going to remain where you are thirty years later so I encourage you my friend to Lauren and to take action and take control of your life and that is it beause I will see you guys on the next video it's hot it's hot out here okay I can't stay out here forever by the way this is not a green-screen this is this is will alright so I had to get back inside because it's hot okay I will see you guys in the next video though take care oh and I almost forgot to pursue happiness plan a brilliant future believe in everyday miracles do what you think is why seek advice often live out loud and the most important thing never give up on yourself

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